Friday Night Lights in Thedford is going to be a Pink Out for the Central Valley cheer section! Grab your pink and come show your support! Roll Cougz!
EARLY DISMISSAL: On Friday, October 28th the elementary will dismiss at 1:30 and the high school will dismiss at 2:00. Bus routes will run accordingly!
D2 Football Playoff Bracket is set! Central Valley will travel to Thedford to take on the Sandhills/Thedford Knights on Friday, October 28th. Kickoff is set for 6:30 pm. See you in Thedford Cougar Nation!!
The cast list for the musical “ELF” has been posted! The elementary will present this fabulous musical on Dec. 15 & 16 in Scotia at 7 pm. Don’t be a cotton headed ninny muggins! Mark your calendars now!! 😃🎶🎅🏻🎄🧑🏻🎄
Central Valley Agricultural Education Department received some new welding equipment! We would like to thank the many donors and supporters that made this possible! The department was given two new Miller 255 Pulse Mig Welders which were donated by American Welding Society Nebraska Section and Farm Credit Services in Grand Island. We also received a new Evolution Miter Chop Saw and Blade, roll of weld wire and plier which was donated by Strobel Companies. We would also like to thank Jeff Leep from Matheson for organizing the purchase of the equipment.
Pictured (L-R): Brenlyn Freeman (CV Ag Teacher), Dawn Stromp (CV Occupational Therapist & AWS Supporter), Piper Shepard (Ag student), McKade Pribnow (Ag student), Dierks Nekoliczak (Ag student), Logan Studley (Ag student), Mallory Dugan (Farm Credit Representative), Cohen Grossart (Ag student), Tristin Grim (Ag student), Keean Benson (Ag student), Aiden Freeman (Ag student), Terran Shepard (Ag student), Cordel Wagner (Ag student), Treyven Straka (Ag student), Hannah Young (Ag student), Bo Pokorny (Ag student), Ty Landers (Ag student), Donnie Burns (Ag student), Greg Schroeder (Strobel Companies and AWS Representative), Chism Goodrich (Ag student), Julia Wright (CV Ag teacher) and Jeff Leep (Matheson Representative) and not pictured: Eric Nordhues (AWS Representative)
The FFA Grab-and-Go Harvest Meals are ready for pickup! Make sure to stop by the Greeley or North Loup Country Partners Co-Op to get yours. We have pulled pork sandwiches and snack bags with chips, a cookie and candy!
Reminder! Central Valley FFA will be hosting a free-will donation Grab-and-Go Harvest Meal for all farmers in the area on Wednesday, October, 19th! We will have locations at the Country Partners Co-Ops in North Loup & Greeley. We will have the hot meals ready for pickup at both locations by 11:30am.
It's PLAYOFF WEEK! Central Valley will host O'Neill St. Mary's on Thursday in Wolbach. Kickoff is set for 7 pm! See you on Thursday night Cougar Nation!
Central Valley FFA will be hosting a free-will donation Grab-and-Go Harvest Meal for all farmers in the area on Wednesday, October, 19th! We will have locations at the Country Partners Co-Ops in North Loup & Greeley. We will have the hot meals ready for pickup at both locations by 11:30am.
Congratulations to the Central Valley FFA Land Judging team for placing 12th overall at the District contest yesterday! There was over 100 contestants and 30 teams!
Members of the team included: Katie Oakley (42nd), Emalee Leth (44th), Lauren Diessner (53rd), Thayer Davis (69th) and Carter Dunlap (76th).
Central Valley 7th and 8th grade students recently competed at the Scholastic Contest held at Spalding Academy accompanied with Coach Sarah Hansen and Mr. Kevin Wood. Congratulations to Maggie Kriewald, first place winner in both the 7th grade Social Studies and English competitions, Brooklyn Perrott, winner of the 8th grade English competition and July Gotschall, winner of the 7th grae Health contest!
Reminder: In order to plan the Girls’ Night Out Fundraiser, there will be a 7th grade parent meeting on Oct. 12th at 6:30 in the HS library at Greeley!
Central Valley Youth Basketball (3rd-6th grade) registration is open. Please click on link to register by October 14th.
Sign up for Central Valley Youth Wrestling is open. Please sign up by November 1st. Click on link for sign up sheet.
Cougars are Playoff Bound! With the win against Burwell on Friday, CV Football earned a spot in the playoffs. Apparel can be ordered at the link below.
There is an FFA meeting Friday, October 14th @ lunch! We will be handing out fruit sales papers so it is important that you attend. Thanks!
CV FFA will be selling fruit again this year! Students will receive their forms Friday at the FFA Meeting. Contact an FFA member if you are interested in ordering!
Jr. High girls placed 1st at the Riverside Volleyball Tournament
Parents Night for Football, Cross Country and Cheerleader Seniors will be at 6:40 pm tonight before the football game. Parents and student athletes please meet on the Central Valley sideline near the bench area.
Central Valley JV Football will play Burwell at 6 pm Monday, October 10th in Wolbach.