Here is information for tonight's football game in Elm Creek:
Admission: $6 for adults and $6 for students
Visitor Seating: Visitor seating is in the metal bleachers on the South side of the Football field.
Register your trunk by October 14th with Kathy Freeman at 402-519-3847. Everyone is welcome to set up a trunk. This would be fun for country homes that may not get a lot of visitors, as well as local businesses, groups, friends, etc. Trunks need to be set up and ready by 4:45pm on O'Neill Street between Kildare and Galway A trophy and prize for best trunk will be determined by public vote.
After visiting the trunks, the community is encouraged to visit the nursing home where Pig in a Bag Food truck will be set up outside. Following the downtown festivities, you can continue door to door for trick or treating as wanted. Let me know if you have any questions.
Loup Basin will be offering influenza shots on Tuesday, September 27 at the following location and times:
Wolbach 8:30am - 9:30am
Scotia 10:00am - 12:00pm
Greeley 1:00pm - 3:00pm
All students, staff and community members are welcome. For more information contact Loup Basin Public Health Department 308-346-5795/
CVPS Is looking for a volunteer to fill a position on our school improvement steering committee. If interested contact Mr. Beck or Mr. Carlson.
6 Days left to order some CV Cougar Apparel!
Ordering will be available until 12:00 pm on Tuesday Sept 20th.
The white shirts are also available in a solid darker gray option too.
Class of 2026
Any parents needing to get ahold of Rita for their flag football picture payment may contact her directly. Her information is posted on the bottom of the picture form!
All 3-4 grade football players need to bring their jerseys to practice Thursday!
There will be no 1-2 grade football practice Thursday.
A picture of the form can be found on the Central Valley Public School Facebook page!
Flag football pictures for grades 1-4 will be tomorrow during practice, starting around 3:45. Please pick up a picture form from the elementary office tomorrow to complete and include money. Players need to bring their jerseys! Questions please contact Andrea Wolf at 308-219-0210.
Schedule for the Central Valley JV Volleyball Invite tomorrow
Support the Class of 2026 by ordering some Central Valley Apparel! Orders due September 20th!
Santa!!!! I know him! I know him!!
That’s right! Santa and the musical “ELF” will be at Central Valley Elementary this coming holiday season! So don’t be a cotton headed ninny muggins! Mark your calendars for the performances on December 15th and 16th at 7 pm both nights!
The Central Valley Music Department has set their music dates! Mark your calendars! It’s going to be an exciting musical year!
Congratulations to the winners of the Junior High Poster Contest and Senior High Bulletin Board Contest.
Junior High:
Kristyana Linder, Brooklyn Perrott, Trinity Cordis, Paige Berst
Senior High:
Back row: Olivia Jensen, Taya Engel, Kennady Holley
Front row: Tamryn Klein, Morgan Rosander, Kalli Schumacher
CV vs High Plains football game tonight will be at Clarks. High Plains will be streaming the game on Striv. Click on link for access.
The Central Valley Elementary will be hosting a Book Fair September 16-23. Please click on the link for details!
It's almost Homecoming Week!!
Tomorrow night during the home volleyball triangular, the Class of 2025 will host a WALKING TACO BAR. Come out & support the Cougars on the court & in the kitchen!
Flag football Grades 1-4 will have practice on Tuesday the 30th at the elementary school football field after school!
Here is the bracket for the Overton Volleyball Tournament this Saturday. Good Luck Cougars!!
NOTICE: There is a $50 fee for any student in grades 7 through 12 wanting to take their chromebook or laptop home. Please contact the office for questions!