Tired of cooking after the long break? You're in luck! Stop by the CV SLT spaghetti supper tomorrow night in Greeley and see the Cougar basketball teams in action. Serving begins at 5 p.m.! Hope to see you there!
about 5 years ago, Nicki Underwood
There will be 3rd-6th Grade Boys Basketball Practice Friday at 6:00 pm at the CV Auditorium!
about 5 years ago, Andrea Wolf
Holiday Tournament games tomorrow, Saturday, Dec 28, will be played as follows: Girls 11:00AM and Boys 12:30PM.
about 5 years ago, Randy Dutcher
Central Valley Student Leadership Team will have their annual spaghetti supper on Friday January 3rd. Parents, please check with your SLT students to find out what they signed up to bring!
about 5 years ago, Nicki Underwood
Basketball bus will leave Greeley at 11:30 AM for Ansley Friday, December 27th. Will pickup in Scotia at 11:50 AM.
about 5 years ago, Randy Dutcher
8th grade prepared and enjoyed their semester meal in Family and Consumer Science class with Mrs Kennedy!
about 5 years ago, Cougar Announcements
Table Set
FFA fruit is in! FFA members please pick up your fruit orders today by 5:30pm or by tomorrow at 4:00pm. Reminder that these are perishable items and need to be delivered ASAP! Thank you!
about 5 years ago, Lesley Dugan
4th-6th girls youth basketball practice in Scotia on 12/16 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
about 5 years ago, Todd Beck
Basketball games in Fullerton tonight will be streamed on Fullerton's Striv TV page!
about 5 years ago, Randy Dutcher
MAP assessments will be administered to 10th graders tomorrow morning at 8:00 am. Make sure you you get a good nights sleep and eat breakfast.
about 5 years ago, Todd Beck
Congratulations CV FFA! Ag Demonstration team of Tristan Klein, Kilee Ackles, Demi Daniels and Carly Johnson qualified for State Contest! Receiving blues were Christina Lauria in Senior Public Speaking, Chance Ackles in Creed Speaking and Ag Demonstration #2 of Larista Barner and Madison Young. Receiving reds were Joe Bykerk and Zandar Wolf in Junior Public Speaking, Keean Benson and Cohen Grossart in Employment Skills and the Conduct of Chapter Meetings team of Tamryn Klein, Logan Studley, Tanner Landers, Bo Pokorny, Keean Benson, Cohen Grossart and Zandar Wolf. The junior high quiz bowl teams put in a great effort and placed in the top half of teams competing!
about 5 years ago, Lesley Dugan
District Leadership Development Events
4th - 6th girls youth basketball practice 12/9 in Scotia 6:30 to 8:00pm.
about 5 years ago, Todd Beck
4th-6th girls youth basketball practice in scotia 12/6from 6:00 to 7:15pm.
about 5 years ago, Todd Beck
Change: Winter Sports pictures have been rescheduled AGAIN to Friday, December 13 at 10:00 AM. Sorry for the confusion!
about 5 years ago, Randy Dutcher
Winter Sports Pictures have been rescheduled to Friday December 6 at 9:00 AM. Picture forms will be sent home today!
about 5 years ago, Randy Dutcher
The Class of 2024 is raffling off another parking spot for the winter sports season! The 8th graders are selling tickets this week as well as at the home opener on Saturday. We will draw the winner at half time of the boys game!
about 5 years ago, Dori Gills
Schedule Change: There will be NO JV Boys game on Thursday in Palmer. JV Girls will start at 4:30 PM followed by Boys Varsity at 6:00 PM!
about 5 years ago, Randy Dutcher
Mrs. Wolf’s Behavioral Health students are analyzing their peer’s masks created through art therapy!
about 5 years ago, Andrea Wolf
Tristan, Lexi, Alexys & Becca
Central Valley District Unified Bowling took place today in Grand Island. We had a combined pin score of 408. Great season, Cougars!
about 5 years ago, Staci Rother
Central Valley Unified Bowlers 2019
Winter Sports Pictures have been moved to Tuesday, December 10 at 9:00AM!
about 5 years ago, Randy Dutcher